Concept of Awards
Any country’s future and economic growth relies on the success of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Their reinvention, innovation, and quality outputs affect more on the society. Benchmark Trust feels very proud to value their ideas and their potential for the society and therefore, we got inspired to introduce Excellency Awards and from this award, one can distinguish himself/herself from others as a quality output provider.
Excellency Awards acknowledges the best young entrepreneurs for their achievements and quality outcomes. When an end user wants to get quality products, services and outcomes from the search-box click, they can use the list of Excellency Awards.
Benefit of Excellency Awards
- Attract & Retain New Customer
- Make worthy Feels to Existing Client
- Increase Customer Satisfaction
- National level Recognition
- Increase Sales
- Press Coverage
- Logo Licence for Campaign
- Differentiate Business
- Audit, Reviews & Suggestion by Experts
- Industrial Empowerment
- Professional Network
- Employee Inspiration
EA is working on the direction where the end user who wants to get quality outcomes as per their requirements, it might be for the management, services or products. The end user can get the list of the best companies from EA which provide the best products, services or management in India. EA Business Awards are given to the people or companies only who fulfill all the criteria set by Benchmark Trust and TQV, their Audit Partner.
Selection Criteria
Excellency Awards follows these selection criteria to choose companies and personnel for Excellency Awards. Just go through them carefully and you will understand how refined the selection procedure is for Excellency Awards.
- How much importance you give to your customers and the quality output you offer for the customer’s satisfaction?
- How you lead your team to achieve your objective with employee’s professional growth?
- What innovative concepts and benchmarking you have?
- Do you make continuous improvements and performance evaluation?
- What is the impact of your outcomes on society?
- Which process strategies and methodologies you follow?
- What are the future expansions in line with your Vision and Mission?
- What are the achievements of your services, products or management if any?
At Excellency Awards, we follow a very easy and straightforward methodology. Let’s take a quick look at it:
Application Screening
Initially, we invite applications for all our awards categories and all the applications go through the application screening procedure to check the authenticity of applications. All the applications should be submitted in the required format with required documents attached.
Document Verification
After getting all the applications, we start our verification process where all the submitted applications and documents get verified for the authenticity.
Shortlisting Confirmation
After the verification process is completed, we shortlist the candidates or companies and send them confirmation about their selection for Excellency Awards.
Premises Visit
After sending the selection confirmation, our team will visit your premises if required for physical verification and confirmation of the company and its workings.
Final Evaluation
After document verification and premises visit, your application goes for final evaluation.
Selection Committee’s Assessment
Selection Committee’s Assessment
Winners Get Informed Through Mail
The winners get informed through mail with all the further procedures and proceedings.
Winners’ List Published
After selection of winners, we publish the final list of Excellency Awards winners.

About Trophy
Solid concrete base starts with your Name on the trophy! Nothing is more important except strong concrete base to stand anywhere. This represents Growth, Solid Foundation & Strong Vision to grow.
You can get your name carved to the strong concrete base as well! This represents your identity, hard work and dedication towards your brand which will make your name worth on the trophy!
As everybody starts their professional journey from the scratch, the two golden pillars in the trophy represents your growth from the scratch to higher levels.
These two pillars touching one worthy round which is the topmost part of the trophy and it represents that the individual who has started their journey from the scratch, can also achieve the topmost and valuable position in any professional field.
Touching the turn represents that achieving this fame will change your path into a smoother one with endless professional growth! It represents a full circle of life, where one has to start and end at some point however, what’s important it the journey!
Logo Usage T&C
For, when you are purchasing this logo, you agree these terms and conditions that are mentioned in the logo agreement as below:
- Once you get a logo you can use our logo for your professional growth. We provide you a platform to develop your quality business more and more so, for the same, you are free to use the logo, but there several things that you need to keep in mind whenever and wherever you want to use the logo.
- You agree not to alter the logo in any way, shape or size ratio and colour. That means you have to follow same extension, graphic for use of the logo. The year in which you get a logo you need to clearly mention the use of your business promotion about in which year you have received this else you can take advantage of this for a lifetime.
- Use of logo in your website should have redirection link that will redirect users to our website when they click it. Or you can give a link in backend to the transfer user to your article or your profile on our company website.
- You need to check the proper usage of logo when you are using it whether it is going in ethical way or it may cause harm to its brand value!